The purpose of this research paper is to beam the light extra on the competitive advantage and economic benefit that comes from annexing untapped human resource talents through the inclusion of people with disability in the workplace. This research area is one that many researchers have discussed for decades, and with their contribution in mind will be furthering this discussion but narrowing it to the African workplace. Therefore, the concentration of the policy recommendations focuses to demonstrate the policy yet no implementation nor visible practice in the African workplace. Africa's population accounts for 1.4 billion of the world’s population, 80 million out of that figure are people with disability, yet they are significantly more unemployed and under-employed than their nondisabled peers.
People living with disability represent a driven, qualified, and untapped source of talent for employers across organizations in Africa. The ability of the government and the private sector to recognize and annex this wealth will not only yield an economic competitive advantage but also promote sustainable growth in Africa and a win for gender equality. The policy recommendations aim to share insight about people living with disability, unravel multiple social issues affecting disability inclusion in Africa, and address the reoccurring myths, misconceptions, biases, stereotypes, and religious beliefs plaguing disability inclusion in the workplace.
The policy recommendations give necessary concepts and terminology on how to better address people with disability in society. Furthermore, we will explore the rich coffers of the law in identifying those international laws that guide the application practice of this policy and call out those fault lines encouraged by stakeholders in the drawback of this policy implementation and practice. Still, in the legal exploration, readers will gain an understanding of how the effective application of this policy ought to be implemented and practiced in the African workplace.
Our upcoming research studies will expect that readers, spectators, employers of labor, government, non-government organizations, and disabled people themselves will be motivated to draw up a business strategy that will support the inclusion of disabled people, thus promoting sustainable development and gender equality in Africa. It will also be a delight to see employers across boards pay proper attention to inclusion strategy in terms of recruitment, hiring, career advancement, retention, accessibility, and accommodations in the African workplace.
In conclusion, African nations should learn from their western counterpart, it is not only enough to create policies but also see to it that they get implemented and practiced fairly without involving party politics. The government can introduce incentives (tax holidays or reduced levies) to motivate employers of labor to engage people with disability for employment in the workplace. Employers of labor should do their part to engage interpersonal skills with practical application while dealing with people with disability because disabilities are of various stages. It is funny to add here that research has shown that everyone lives with some kind of disability, only that we are yet to identify it or them.